- LabWorks™ Modules
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LabWorks™ Credit Card Processing Module for payment transactions
To provide you with a convenient, fast and cost effective solution, LabWorks is now using the advanced on-line technology offered by Century Business Solutions.
No more terminal rental fees, separate receipts and signature slips, or entering payment amounts in separate systems. The LabWorks™ Credit Card Processing Module handles transactions directly from LabWorks™
LabWorks offers:
- Keep multiple credit cards on file for every customer
- Invoicing customers with credit cards on file with a click of a button
- Charging end-of-the-month balances
- Swiped and keyed in transactions
Century Business Solutions offers:
- Reduced costs and increased profit through competitive discount rates and better qualification of processed cards.
- A business relations manager will be assigned to you as a single point of contact for all credit related questions and issues.
- Detailed and extensive online reporting