- LabWorks™ Modules
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LabWorks™ System Modules
LabWorks™ POF Processing Module for ROES, SimplePhoto, and more..
The LabWorks™ POF Processing Module enables direct order input of:
- ROES Orders
- SimplePhoto Orders
- Any standard POF compliant order from your 3rd party system
With direct entry of ROES, SimplePhoto, and other order entry systems that generate POF order files, LabWorks™ seamlessly integrates your order taking software into one standardized workflow. The primary feature of this system is that you don't need to re-enter your orders into your management system. No more double typing. No more typo mistakes.
LabWorks™ POF module automatically retrieves all the information necessary
from the POF order files to create a trackable workorder, flexible
tiered pricing, standardized invoicing and more. What better way to
manage your combined ROES and SimplePhoto workflow than with LabWorks™ Lab Management system and our POF processing module!